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gunshot jump gun muzzle bore shot gunpoint trigger gunner rifling tommy gun gunfire musket kick skydiving rifle silencer fire barrel sight jumper chamber cannon flintlock sponson limber discharge breech recoil flea machine gun gunman trail cock caliber tampion shooter calibrate jerboa gunstock chassis traverse salient shoot stock lock foul firearm skip piece magazine saltation spike chase hop charge carry land hammer blunderbuss windage field event trigger finger action diving
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swivel gauge dunk shot fieldpiece Hopper strip leap unload pintle fillet bang harquebus range cylinder ramrod prime breechblock flask nordic sear kangaroo rat jump shot calibre maxim salt skiing trigger-happy sky diving jump rope bead mitrailleuse howitzer grasshopper airgun firing pop ollie Gatling gun transom gunlock firelock foresight shooting hurdle automatic springboard cricket rib lunette breeching train unlimber butt bolt patch athletics misfire furniture submachine gun clip drop point-blank queue barging gunslinger water pistol twist saddle snap bullet solitaire double Dutch bolster bound striker primer coasteering breechloader muzzleloader bayonet emplacement dragoon BB gun mouse Bren gun desultory wad level Bren bunny-hop machine pistol gerbil plug hopping frog base jumping leapfrog antigun racer stick up leapt blank bridle quadrate saltant bungee cord reload vent bungee tombstoning forty-five browning wadding gunflint barbette bungee jumping jump-off dunk Thompson submachine gun lump puissance hold up blaze gun-shy call clinch heater field piece larum gun ryebuck shearer nitrocellulose canyoning sky surfing range finder apple sucker gunsight hair trigger quoin starting gun marksman report water gun canister sabot skelp treehopper flying fish extreme sport gunroom track–and–field loaded cascabel gorge-walking comb chokebore vault fencing showjumping rigadoon gage fan saltatory holster head-plate sand hopper dart bush backfire equalizer elevation jumping rat paragliding quick-loader ballistics lay propellant trampoline semiautomatic slug LMG bazooka lead guncotton chopper rataplan track and field gunpowder muzzle velocity jumping jack revolver rabbit flint set shot trampolining mice spring subsultation open fire waterskiing missile mortar assault rifle burp gun load Cape jumping hare springhaas Mexican jumping bean springhare toad .45 drawbore rangefinder point arquebus deflection shunt bird dog smoking gun technical popgun guard Sten gun depress Russian roulette machine-gun trunnion open up gat cupola lockwork backsight elevate gun-barrel whitworth ball groove skipping scorpion nab gunsel hang shoulder holster monitor prolonge spade forelock pillbox air rifle lycra lout pull-off air gun saltigrade detonation platforming flip cliff jumping parachuting kloofing press–off tripwire autofrettage bed fusee six-shooter break ski-flying self-defenestration jump spark pack train jumping pear psylla froghopper psyllid double-barrelled holdup pigeonwing gate Bofors gun cradle barbette carriage wale hunter jumpingly striped mouse side–straddle hop handgun mountain hare lerp insect sack race transposon belt choke bulldog half-cock fence heel let off cover go off keeper gun deck Pedetes slam dunk ricochet riflery shoot to kill base ring derringer at half-cock adjust percussion lock strafe standing unstock bell-mouthed battery gunslinging crupper stand stood recoil momentum outdraw spread eagle flea-louse fid mounture guntub in (or within) one's sights hopscotch flying tackle bar jump–off track subcaliber trail plank half-cocked barfly jumping lewis resilin Zapodidae skimeister elevating arc caliver pattern rapid–fire gun spring gun helamys great gun line–throwing gun SMG pas sauté jammy orange-gum six–shooter straddle stage-diving needle belly flop jumper's knee alphin top countersink Llewellyn ski jumping gerbille cannonball citigradae dolphin traverse circle steeplechase skipping rope stress incontinence quokka kangaroo working hunter parapente fixed gunnery machine gunner button gorge walking eventing yoke middling fore-end trail plate bump paraskiing baby jumper drill tower life net case gun tang peep conclusive base piece base shin splints gunport proof-mark neck at full cock tank turret colt lock-hole sidearm gun barrel gun chamber bridge conversion pommel breech-loader score piezometer clamp gun control emotive punt-gunning polygrooved pedestal mount indirect fire firing point sawn-off shotgun dispart train tackle self-cocking ray gun lepper pew pivot-bolt rocket-gun zero truck scatter saddle gun gas regulator train rope cloy stoppage hobit train-bolt gunreach breech plug safety catch set possession loop unshot range plate pillar mount recuperator muzzle-loader stick saltatorial bowhunting recoil spring gun toting duster setting gun captain carrier gunning trail handspike traversing gear rank stuck BSJA MGC hammer spur round jump the gun plane of sight firing position magazine release rain gun rammer blister blowback watch gun deadhead rider rest starter pointer heat wire gun quick-firer fog gun big cheese Archie napoleon double–barrel machine-pistol moll magnum blast pressure gun rfg mg smoothbore jumping bean scissors jump drift slide angle of site twelve quick–firer blowpipe pack heat pellet gun serve shoot-out Spandau double gun angle of departure steer wrestling Fosbury, Richard brisé line-out rod single–barrel HMG ack-ack indirect laying pit depression reinforce Catasetum Eastern roll rationality beanbag gun key muzzle-ring interior ballistics pump brake tubage aim skipping-rope springtail flareback the Poznań ski jumper eyeful breech mechanism tail-end Charlie morning gun gun crew lock side obturator bombardier Y–gun handspike ring quant first-rate triple jump restriction poke knight ball turret pow pneumatic gun blind tulip trainer rampage Polish checkers gun slide genouillere galloper doll's head lerp abyss Psyllidae recoil cylinder projectile salute grapeshot bring bridle port gas gun spearfish draw gunlaying gutter loading ejector salute to the union rope breeching gallery amenable bunny hop spontaneity spray gun worm sighting hood bouncy castle let presumption parkour free pistol shotgun plane of site popinjay beam chamber gauge constitution hard-metal musketoon rout third-rate overleap flat racing barrel jumper hopping mouse puffed jumpsuit acrobatic jumpy trigger–happy nest gambol athleticism grease gun smoking-gun hardware stocker top-gun unfired laser-gun shotgun microphone machine carbine sub-machine gun pull iron barbette gun gunless field carriage duledge gun lap M.G.C. eighty–eight quick on the trigger ray-gun scutter superelevation shade shrinkage fighting top management business end disappearing carriage seventy–five entering port velar fireman pass-box strike-a-light cast-off plugman Browning automatic machine rifle rear gunner rimbase full sight gas plate bend gas-operated forward sight in preponderance built–up gun dispersion subcalibre spew pivot stand arquebuse beauty try gun muzzle brake safety lap plant Lewis gun crosshairs caliper race-plate carronade tumbler reveille gun shell ultimately priming Western roll draughts quarter pivot-gun antiaircraft highwayman columbiad peacemaker masking paper Spillane, Mickey chemise taser tank muzzlebag lower sub-machine-gun explosion rifle microphone Aldis sight spotter degauss rapid–fire mount flash defilade many-roots reverse hammer-less boring bit gun pendulum Apache devil dance mudskipper louse paintball detonator sweep roscoe armed fire sth off gun mount gun down fourpounder crack gas-ring obnoxious hand cannon take a shot barker torpedo smooth-bore unholster forty–five Uzi twenty–two Thompson sub-machine-gun tommy gunner draw (or get) a bead on -barrelled shoot down at gunpoint recharge ding include halma minute pump-gunner self-loading explosive cutty tommy–gun ammo ammunition tooled up so-and-so spray-paint bored big boy kickback chaser mark monk's-gun tase three-decker smoke field gunner outrange cleat matchlock fifteen–pounder improved cylinder main-deck bail gas-check hoop kangaroo mouse plant louse running fleahopper backing dog barnstorm timber jumper air-spring beat board Nordic combined rondelle fine–bore lanyard horse show field events geronimo lock-string Salticidae jig flea beetle heptathlon flea-beetle jump pass harness stapler gunnery officer hurter unlicensed serpentine lifeguard mainspring tertiate bounce antic tick run-up flat race housing-bolt stanchion gun bandwagon multicharge derivation lever nipple quarter-gunner boresight tethered free fall spaniel ream iconoscope flack console replotter cartridge French lock gas pipe gun camera overreact aerobic phlegmatic resizer profile-board quarterdecker sissoo relocator Berlin, Irving exultant dampen stub pinnule cockpit Cruise, Tom canon cheek crossbar shot parachute psychotic burn weight of metal paraffin test tracer martello tower garnet jubilance floating battery misjudge aside waylay fear skittish gunhand zero in excitement assail hellion free rifle force ribband silence whale catcher grip crumple calisthenics haywire brazilwood mug intense motionless piat reliever firing table relaxing strenuous gun tackle permit field gun crack shot harpoon gun huntsman air cane buckshot fire off sprang sprung throw shoot it out Long Tom squirrel rifle alarm-gun overcharge unrifled louping-ill Trakehner locomotion eye tube expressive game heavy

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Words For "jumping the gun"

As you've probably noticed, words for "jumping the gun" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "jumping the gun" are: gunshot, jump, gun, muzzle, and bore. There are 977 other words that are related to or similar to jumping the gun listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "jumping the gun" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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